'Thoughts from Abroad'

'Life in Oz'

Map of Australia

Well that is it over. The Election that is. It took place on the 24th, we have our Elections on Saturdays. It was a landslide to Labor (that's the way it's spelt here) or as the "pundits" called it a Ruddslide (Kevin Rudd is the Labor party leader). Labor will have a majority of 24-5 seats in the Lower House (the important one). The Senate will still be very tight with the Greens and Independant swinging it Labor's way (depending of course on how they vote on issues!). For the first time in over 30 years an 'Independant' has been voted into the Senate. You need 14.3% of the vote to be elected to the Senate. Nick Xenophon got just over 15% a quite phenomenal result. He is South Australian which means that we have a powerful advocate/spokesperson in there for us. The last Independant was Tasmanian. He managed so much for his State as he held the "Balance of Power". Nick is now in a similar position. He resigned from the S.A Upper House to fight for the Senate. He is a tilter at windmills who has usually won!!! In one of the (many) quirks of Australian politics he will not take his seat until 1 July next year. The senate is elected for 6 years and only half the seats come up at each General Election!

John Howard the incumbent Prime Minister not only lost the Election he lost his seat! The first time since 1929 and only the second time this has happened . He will be remembered for that and of course for lots more. The simple truth is that he stayed too long and should have handed over to his deputy 18 or so months ago (sound familiar in UK?). The Work Choice legislation he brought in and his association wth Goeorge. W. were the main reasons for the loss. Our economy is booming, our employment at an all time high. Yet still he was thumped!!!

It must be said tho' that despite the supposed differences between the parties, you know Liberal versus Labor, they both seem very Social Democrat to me!!! Much of the campaign was about "Me tooism". One party said "we'll give you this" and the other said" so will we, but with a bit extra". We now have Labor Governments in all States, both Territories and Federally. I am not sure that that is good for Australia. Time will tell.

Interestingly, or worryingly, very little mention was made of drought and the state of the River Murray during the campaign. It is the "lifeblood" of Southern AAustralia and is in a parelous condition. Nick hopefully will get matters regarding it moving! Listening to talkback radio after the Election I was struck by the comments of one caller. His thrust was this, we could be sure that the result was honest - No "stuffed Ballot boxes" here. That the defeated party would accept the result and move out (well more or less) gracefully. There would be no armed troops on the streets. That he said is the strength of our Democracy that we too often just take for granted. The handover of Government would be civillised. In fact there is a picture of the Incoming and Outgoing Prime Ministers and their wives smiling and shaking hands on the steps of the Lodge (Official Residence of PM) after they'd had a walk through with each other!! You can imagine the conversation re what goes where now and "Oh those curtains my dear!!" can't you?

One other story on talkback was about a volunteer handing out "how to vote" cards. Our system is preferential and complicated, so parties spell out for their supporters "how to vote". This volunteer would not be voting for the man he was handing out cards for! The candidate just happened to be his mate!!!! Another example, I think of the strength of our system!

On that night Kim and I and two friends were actually "Under the Stars" in the Barossa Valley being entertained by Elton John. A lovely outdoor venue, the full moom came up, and Elton. Now he is not one of my favourite artists (Kim is a monster fan) but he was marvellous. Just Elton and a wonderfully talented grand piano. Well the piano played violin and sang as well! Miracle of music technology that bit. It seriously was just Elton and piano on stage tho'. He was on stage for just under 3 hours in great voice, Kim asked me how I enjoyed it. When I replied that it was good but he wasn't Dick Gaughan she hit me! Gently I should say. Ah well each to his own!.

That morning we had breakfasted at the Adelaide Hyatt with the dinner party group for our annual Christmas season starter. Breakfast excellent, Champagne sparkling, but a bit early for me to be Christmassy. Christmas in fact came to Adelaide at the beginning of the month. We had the Christmas Pageant, viewed by about 250,000 and without a fence in sight, which brought that cheerful chubby, bringer of good cheer to his Magic Grotto here in Adelaide. As I said no fences only a blue "honour" line painted on the road to stay behind as pageant passes, and it works every time. Perhaps another indicatiopn of our society.

Margaret, my sister, went home at the beginning of the month, this of course meant another trip to the Airport to say farewell. Not the best of activities, and usually tearful, however the price we pay for the visit and the catching up. She is back in the Border's now and judging by our phonecall the other night, missing our warmth and sun. Not too warm and sunny there at he moment, but hey we might swap the heat for a white Christmas!!!

As I write it is St. Andrews day. I note that it is a "sort" of public holiday in Scotland. It should be more. It will unforunately pass with little notice here, except to such as I. However, Happy St. Andrews Day wherever you are.

I'm off to have a Morangie-- Slainth

May Christmas be good to you and yours and the New Year bring peace and happiness to us all.

Until next time

(article by Eric Ford, Australia)

Kevin Rudd

River Murray

John Howard

Adelaide Hyatt

Sir Elton John
